From The East - Brazzaville

A-水塔先生 、:

他们的音乐随意而精致,具有浓烈的地中海气息的Bossa Nova乐风。朗朗上口的旋律与闲散格调,主唱David Brown不带杂质的声音,光滑如丝。Brazzaville的音乐融合了多国元素。有美国的简单民谣、西班牙的阳光bossa nova、俄国的忧郁小调,以及若隐若现的东方感觉。

他们的音乐很难形容,把它归到哪一个单独的类别都显得有点不够完善。曾经有这样的一些说法:POP/ROCK/INDIE,ROMANTIC/MELANCHOLY/TRAVEL,INDIE/CAFE ROCK. 然而这些都只能说是接近,但并非完全。他们的音乐,忧郁中又含着浪漫的憧憬;流行而又气质独立;旋律是琅琅上口的,歌词是简单并深刻着的;没有剑拔弩张的宏博气势,只有娓娓道来的小情小调,却不乏生活的真谛。这正如他们所追求的,一种简单的生活,用个人独有的眼光看待这个世界。

From the 17 hundredth floor

She watches the swallows soar

Storm coming from the east

From the east

From the east

A cumulonimbus dream

Like poppy fields and whipping cream

And tears flowing from the east

From the east

From the east

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

She's so far gone

In old Hong Kong

Dim red lights

With wooden pillows

Her boyfriend was named RD

He said you never had no dreams like these

The needle is sharp and clean

It's from the east

From the east

A warmth and some distant bells

The sweetest thing she ever felt

The smoothest road into Hell

Is from the East

From the east

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

She's so far gone...



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